Early stage

Starting a startup can be daunting. I know. I've been there.

Starting a business is hard.

I've spent my entire career working in startup companies.

From sitting around the kitchen table with founders and conceptualising the name of the business to raising $500,000 for my own startup from VC's and angel investors with a team from Airbnb, Microsoft & Airbus. To managing teams and helping grow startups from a team of 6 to 35, to exhibiting at Web Summit & Wired.

I've been on the journey many times from day 0 to day 1000. I've been through the ups and downs of building a startup and I've learnt what it takes to go from an idea in your head to building that idea into something real.

Whether you're at day 0, 100 or day 1000, I can offer advice, guidance, experience and help guide you on the right steps forward to get you to the next stage of your journey.

Topics I can help
you with:

Creating a pitch
deck/ Pitch deck
Creating an MVP
(Minimum viable
Raising funding
Product ideation
Board meetings
Best tools to use
Finding investors
R&D Tax credits
& more

Get in touch

If you're ready to get those burning questions answered, and need help, guidance or advice on any of the above topics, then drop me a message.

Rate - £100/ ph

Get in touch

Let’s build something
together, say hi.